Travel Plans Cancelled

Well, it has been a moment, hasn't it?

Here we are in April of 2020. My DH and I have been in quarantine, along with the rest of the world, since spring break. That means we have not been out, except when necessary, for 7 weeks. Our grand plans to crash my son's honeymoon trip to Spain, Portugal, and Nova Scotia were cancelled and so was his wedding. Summer classes I was enrolled in were tabled until next summer. I have been teaching via distance learning. It all just sucks.

To quench my travel urges, I have been living vicariously via the web while biding my time. I bought a new pair of travel shoes someone recommended for their comfort, durability, and toe protection while being light and airy. I bought a new hiking skort to add to my travel wardrobe. I poked around for new places to go on adventures. We even optomistically booked a trip to Ireland, Scotland, England, and Iceland for Summer 202, but ultimately, like everyone else, I have only been able to dream of the day when we can return to our "new normal," whatever that will look like.

I am angry. I am sad. I am frustrated. I want to yell at the top of my lungs at all the people who are unnecessarily out and about. I want to know where COVID-19 came from, not just that it originated in China, and how do we stop it? I want to be certain my visiting loved ones will not result in their death.

I think almost everyone is feeling the same.

On the positive side, I think Mother Earth is definitely benefitting from this break. So are families. People are spending more time together. I know we are cooking more and spending less money due to not eating out. My stack of books I have wanted to read is getting shorter. My dogs are confused why we are home all day, but loving the attention. My house has never been so clean.

For now I will dream of the adventures to come while I remain in quarantine and pray some scientific masterminds come up with treatments and immunizations, because I want to get back to seeing the world beyond my front door.

Stay home. Wash your hands. Be safe.
